Iconic Bollywood actor, Bhanurekha Ganesan, popularly known as Rekha has featured in over 180 films. Here are some lesser known facts about the Umraao Jaan actor.
1. Rekha started acting at the early age of four in a Telugu film called 'Inti Guttu'.
2. In 2010, she was awarded the 'Padma Shri' by the Government of India.
3. Rekha has been proactively involved in Indian politics and was a member of the Rajya Sabha in 2012.
4. On having a rough childhood in a financially troubled home, she initially inspired to become a flight attendant. But she decided to drop out of school in the 9th grade to pursue a career in acting.
5. She made her debut in Hindi cinema with the film 'Sawan Bhadon' in 1970.
6. She was listed on number 50th by the UK magazine’s Eastern Eye as one of ‘Asia’s Sexiest Women’ in 2006.
7. Besides acting, she is also good at doing mimicry and singing. Rekha has lent her voice for Neetu Singh in 'Yaarana' and Smita Patil in the film 'Waaris'.