Bengalurus Roshan C Machayya hopes for a better tomorrow with Emptiness

By - Team Radio City

DECEMBER 22,2021

Replete with an intrinsic use of ambiences and drums, Bengaluru musician and writer Roshan C Machayya has released his latest single, 'Emptiness' in collaboration with his musician friends, Rishabh Mansur on drums, Ritika Bhushan on vocals and Sarmad Ahmad on guitar.

Written, composed and arranged by Roshan, the song reflects the universality of the human mind despite functioning through diverse cultures, experiences and journeys. The lyrics convey a sense of hope that amidst the harshest adversities, the human spirit will conquer and emerge hopeful and regaled.

The song is the first from an upcoming EP in the works that Roshan is likely to release in September 2020.

'Emptiness' is now streaming on Radio City Freedom.